Can Everyone Do Penance?..., by Father John Gregory of the Trinity, o.d.m.
The Wonders of the miraculous Christ of Limpias
To Save a Soul... - Heroic sacrifice of a young priest
"Forgive us... as we forgive"
Harboring a Grudge Neutralizes the holiest Works - St. John Chrysostom, Homily
Can Everyone Do Penance?..., by Father John Gregory of the Trinity, o.d.m .....35
- Who will give alms to souls?
The Wonders of the miraculous Christ of Limpias .....39
- Testimonies - Cures and conversions
To Save a Soul... .....50
- Heroic sacrifice of a young priest
"Forgive us... as we forgive" .....51
- We must be generous and forgive those who have offended us
Harboring a Grudge Neutralizes the holiest Works .....54
- St. John Chrysostom, Homily on the Betrayal of Judas