Lives of the Desert Fathers
This book takes us back to the roots of monastic life in 4th-century Egypt. The Desert Fathers possessed the true Christian spirit, the realization that we belong not to ourselves but to God. Incomparable narratives and spiritual instructions from the faith-filled lives of the first Christian monks. Follow the Desert Fathers along the pathways of holiness and discover with them the profound meaning of Jesus’ words: “The kingdom of God is within you.”
by Father Michel-Ange Marin. This book takes us back to the roots of monastic life in 4th-century Egypt. The Desert Fathers possessed the true Christian spirit, the realization that we belong not to ourselves but to God. Incomparable narratives and spiritual instructions from the faith-filled lives of the first Christian monks. Follow the Desert Fathers along the pathways of holiness and discover with them the profound meaning of Jesus’ words: “The kingdom of God is within you.” Hardbound, 580 pages, numerous illustrations, index.
Foreword .....Page 5Introduction .....12Historical Glimpse .....26Map of Monastic Egypt .....34PART I
Saint Paul the First Hermit .....36Saint Anthony, First Father of the Solitaries of Egypt .....47The Works of Saint Anthony .....101Disciples of Saint Anthony .....119Saint Paul the Simple .....132Saint Sisois .....141Saint John of Egypt .....152Saint Apollo, Abbot in the Lower Thebaid .....178Saint Ammon, Anchorite in the Lower Thebaid .....192Abbot Isidore and his Monastery .....195Saint Paphnutius, Abbot, and Saint Thais, Penitent .....198Saint Mutius, Penitent and Abbot in the Lower Thebaid, and Coprez, Priest and Abbot, his Disciple .....207The City of Oxyrhynchus .....216Saint Pachomius, Institution of the Order of Tabenna in the Upper Thebaid .....221Petronius and Orsisius, Disciples of Saint Pachomius and his Successors in the Government of his Order .....274Saint Theodore the Sanctified, Disciple of Saint Pachomius and Abbot of Tabenna .....285Disciples of Saint Pachomius .....330Monastic Discipline of Tabenna .....345The Nuns of Tabenna .....281Saint Euphrasia .....390PART II
Saint Ammon, his Doctrine and Disciples .....412Saint Pior .....426Abba Or and his Disciple Athre .....433Saint Pambo .....439Solitaries of the Desert of Nitria .....450Persecution of the Solitaries of Nitria under Emperor Valens .....464The Desert of the Cells and Saint Macarius of Alexandria .....471Abba Benjamin and Other Solitaries of the Cells .....496Abba Theodore of the Cells .....509Monastic Discipline of the Solitaries of Nitria and the Cells .....516Notes .....535Chronological Table .....538Table of Illustrations .....540Onomastic Index .....541Subject Index .....549Data sheet
- Dimensions
- 15.8 x 23.5 cm
Specific References
- isbn
- 978-2-7623-1017-7