Captivating biographie of an original and powerful figure: Saint Louis Mary de Montfort, Apostle of the Cross and Doctor of the Mediation of Mary
Saint Louis Mary de Montfort (1673-1716)
Apostle and Doctor of the Mediation of Mary, Apostle of the Eternal Wisdom, Apostle of the Cross
by Mother Michelle, o.d.m.
In this brief and captivating biography, discover an original and powerful figure, a man of genius animated by an outstanding supernatural spirit and a humility that is difficult to match. He was not only an apostle totally imbued with the doctrine of the Gospel and a tireless missionary at the service of souls, but also a prophet and a precursor of the Apostles of the Latter Times. His book, “The Love of Eternal Wisdom” is, in a way, the work that best summarizes Montfort’s profound spirit. The goal of our life on earth is to discover Jesus, Eternal Wisdom, who has manifested Himself to man, and to unite ourselves to Him. True devotion to Mary is, according to Montfort’s expression, “the most marvelous of all the secrets for acquiring and conserving divine Wisdom”. 224 pages, with illustrations.
Table of Contents
Childhood and Youth …Page 13
The Jesuits of Rennes …21
Saint-Sulpice Seminary …29
The Saint’s theological studies
Pitiless scrutiny
A leap Forward in our Story …43
Father Blain opens his heart
Father de Montfort’s admirable reply
Priesthood and Painful Preparation …53
St. Clement Seminary
Poitiers General Hospital …65
Mystic… and organizer
Louise Trichet – Marie-Louise of Jesus …73
Announcement of the future Community
War breaks out
Back to Paris – La Salpêtrière …87
The Love of Eternal Wisdom
Mont Valérien
Unexpected News – Back to Poitiers …97
The Itinerant Missionary …103
First companion: Brother Mathurin
A contagious error
Touching letter of a good shepherd
The Great Pilgrimage …115
Preacher and Confessor …123
His hymns
Prayer and sacrifice
A kindhearted confessor
Missions in Brittany …137
Saint-Lazare Hermitage
Father, not Brother!
Back to Nantes …151
The Calvary of Pontchâteau …155
The acceptance of a Saint
Missions in Luçon and La Rochelle …173
The Retreats
Illness and continuation of the retreats
Persecutions and triumphs
In the Country …187
Sowing the Gospel seed… and miracles
St. Éloi Hermitage …199
True Devotion to Mary
The Company of Mary …205
Last Illness and Death of the Saint …213