Guardian Angel, sweet Companion of our Exile, by Saint John Mary Vianney, the Curé of Ars Page 263
The Splendors of the Angelical World, by Msgr. Jean-Joseph Gaume 264
Mary, Commanding General of the Heavenly Host 280
Your Sins Are Forgiven You! Sermon by Father Paulin de Jésus, o.d.m. 282
Mary, Mother and Queen of the Holy Church – taken from the revelations of the Mother of God to Ven. Mary of Agreda 286
The Immaculate Mother of God Will Triumph through Her Faithful Children, by Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe 288
Eucharistic Miracles 288
Guardian Angel, sweet Companion of our Exile, by Saint John Mary Vianney, the Curé of Ars Page 263
The Splendors of the Angelical World, by Msgr. Jean-Joseph Gaume 264
What are the Angels? – Bad angels – Malice of the bad angels – Power of the bad angels – Habitation of the bad angels – Good Angels: their number, their hierarchies – Offices of the good Angels – Advantages we derive from the Guardian Angels – Duties towards our Guardian Angels
Mary, Commanding General of the Heavenly Host 280
Apparition of the Virgin Mary to Blessed Father Louis-Édouard Cestac – Prayer to Mary, Commanding General of the Heavenly Host
Your Sins Are Forgiven You! Sermon by Father Paulin de Jésus, o.d.m. 282
Saint Michael, vanquisher of Satan – To obtain mercy – Victory is assured
Mary, Mother and Queen of the Holy Church – taken from the revelations of the Mother of God to Ven. Mary of Agreda 286
The Immaculate Mother of God Will Triumph through Her Faithful Children, by Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe 288
Eucharistic Miracles 288
The demons believe and tremble (St. Bernard of Clairvaux) - The censer of the adoring Angels (St. James of the Marches)