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Watchword for 2025: Forget Yourself — Wish: Follow Jesus our King on His Royal Road, by Father Mathurin of the Mother of God
Our Father who art in Heaven - sermon for the Feast of the Eternal Father (January 1, 2024)
Guy de Fontgalland, centennial of his death
Eucharistic Miracle: A young man healed by Holy Communion
January 2025
24 pages
Watchword for 2025: Forget yourself – Wish: Follow Jesus our King on His Royal Road, by Father Mathurin of the Mother of God …Page 3
Our Father who art in Heaven, by Father Paulin de Jésus, O.D.M …15
«Do you believe?» …18
– A young man healed by Holy Communion
Transformed by early Communion: Guy de Fontgalland (1913-1925) – Centennial of his death …20
Our Cover: Infant Jesus, King of the World
Lovable Jesus, powerful enchanter of hearts, bring back to the port of Your Heart the many souls who have been cut adrift. The world does not love You, because it does not know Your beauty or Your goodness. And because it does not love You, it remains in death. Saviour of the world, will You let the world perish? Peaceful King, use the graces of Your young age to win the love of men, and by the charms of Your childhood, establish Your happy and prosperous Kingdom everywhere.
(Prayer to the Holy Infant Jesus of Prague)