Magnificat January 1996
  • Magnificat January 1996

Magnificat January 1996

1,25 $
Sin impuestos

Wish and Watchword: Love of Prayer by Recollection and Silence, by Father John Gregory of the Trinity, O.D.M.  

No, dear children, the Rosary is not a necklace, by Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte  

Our Lady of Pontmain — Narrative of the 1871 Apparition  

Cancer Caused by Smoking Kills 13 People Each Day in Quebec



Wish and Watchword: Love of Prayer by Recollection and Silence, by Father John Gregory of the Trinity, O.D.M. .....Page 3

No, dear children, the Rosary is not a necklace, by Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte .....9

Our Lady of Pontmain .....10

— Narrative of the 1871 Apparition — The War — A model parish — The defeat — The Barbedette family — The evening of January 17 — The beautiful Lady — The Vision — Comings and goings — Sister Vitaline at the barn — "Something is happening" — The white streamer — Madame Guidecoq — The message continues — Mother of Hope — The bloody Christ — After the Apparition

Cancer Caused by Smoking Kills 13 People Each Day in Quebec .....24