Magnificat June-July 2004
  • Magnificat June-July 2004

Magnificat June-July 2004

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Seek the Peace that Comes from God, by Father Thomas de Jésus, O.D.M.  

A Conquest of the Blessed Sacrament : Conversion of George Rothwell  

Stay with Me, Lord - Prayer after Communion by Saint Padre Pio   

Saint Camillus de Lellis



Seek the Peace that Comes from God, by Father Thomas de Jésus, O.D.M. .....Page 115

A Conquest of the Blessed Sacrament : Conversion of George Rothwell .....120

Stay with Me, Lord .....122

- Prayer after Communion by Saint Padre Pio

Saint Camillus de Lellis .....123

- War in the Adriatic - From gambling-den to church - Disillusion and conversion - Back at St. James' - Dramatic turn of events - An appeal to friends - Double turnabout - Audience in the street - Green light - Faith in Providence - Foundations and heroic charity - The other side of the coin - Back at Holy Spirit Hospital - The five mercies - Famine in Bucchianico - The desired picture - Last moments