Magnificat June 2013
  • Magnificat June 2013

Magnificat June 2013

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The Heart of Jesus in the Gospel - by Rev. Canon Alfred Weber  

The Predilections of the Heart of Jesus - by Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque   

Martyrs of the Eucharist - The Holy Martyrs of Gorkum - Blessed James Salès, Jesuit  

Saint Odilia, a Princess Who Became a Nun



The Heart of Jesus in the Gospel .....Page 115

- by Rev. Canon Alfred Weber

- What is the Gospel? - Life, Word and Heart of Jesus in the Gospel - The disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ - The Doctrine of the divine Master

The Predilections of the Heart of Jesus .....124

- by Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

Martyrs of the Eucharist .....125

- The Holy Martyrs of Gorkum (1572)

- Blessed James Salès, Jesuit (1593)

Saint Odilia, a Princess Who Became a Nun .....129

- Birth of Saint Odilia - First exile - Baptism - First contact with her family - Hugh intercedes for his sister - Odilia at home - Conversion of Adalrich - Forced marriage - Definitive conversion of Adalrich - Foundation of the convent - Another foundation - Death of her parents - Miracles - Last stage