Magnificat January-February 2017
  • Magnificat January-February 2017

Magnificat January-February 2017

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Watchword for the Year 2017: Prayer and Penance

Wish: Say the fifteen-decade Rosary every day this year, by Father Mathurin of the Mother of God, o.d.m.  


Act of Enthronement of Christ as King of Poland  

The President of Peru publicly consecrates his country to the Heart of Jesus   

- After the consecration of Peru to the Sacred Heart, Bishop Eguren asks President Kuczynski to provide proof of coherence  

Ukraine Consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary  

Twenty-seven years ago in Ecuador... - Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin  

"My Son is letting Himself be touched!" Address by Father John Gregory of the Trinity, o.d.m.  

- The Mother of Salvation, Fort Covington, N.Y. / Quebec, 1949-50; Our Lady of Hope, Pontmain, France, 1871



Watchword for the Year 2017: Prayer and Penance

Wish: Say the fifteen-decade Rosary every day this year, by Father Mathurin of the Mother of God, o.d.m. .....Page 3

News .....10

- Act of Enthronement of Christ as King of Poland, Nov. 16, 2016 .....10

- The President of Peru publicly consecrates his country "to the love and protection of Almighty God through the intercession of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary," Oct. 21, 2016 .....13

- After the consecration of Peru to the Sacred Heart, Bishop Eguren asks President Kuczynski to provide proof of coherence, Oct. 27, 2016 .....13

- Ukraine Consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Oct. 23, 2016 .....15

Twenty-seven years ago in Ecuador... .....16

- Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin in El Cajas, Ecuador (1990)

"My Son is letting Himself be touched!" Address by Father John Gregory of the Trinity, o.d.m. .....18

- Charity covers a multitude of sins Saint John of God

- Supplements: The Mother of Salvation, Fort Covington, N.Y. / Quebec, 1949-50; Our Lady of Hope, Pontmain, France, 1871